Indigenous Music Courses and Resources

These two programs that have have been developed over my 40 year career contain Native cultural music, which meet the needs of the Canadian educational music curriculum guides in all provinces. Each course comes with one binder, an audio CD, and teaching instructions designed to aid teachers in giving their students an appreciation and a working knowledge of First Nations music and culture. The entire book from the Native Music Resourceis now on DVD. These two programs are necessary additions to any teacher's resource materials! All the music has been approved as being appropriate for use within schools and will not upset spiritual understandings.

Native Music Resource (Grades three to eleven)

Included is a brief history of North American Indian music followed by six well-known songs from the Cree and Denedeh nations. The songs can be used in the Fine Arts program of any educational institution from grades three to eleven. All six songs are notated with the first page holding the total song melody and chords, followed by the total song arranged to use Orff instruments and traditional Native instruments. Use your own imagination and the skills of your students. For teachers and teacher aids who don't read music, there is an audio CD included in the back of the front cover which includes lyrics, pronounciation, and translation. There are also six relevant topic headings at the beginning of each song that fully explain how to teach the song. The words are printed at the end of each song and so are the phonetic sound of the words. There is an appendix with pertinent information and a Syllabics chart for those who wish to go further in cross-cultural studies in language.

Songs contained in the Native Music Resource:

1) Enohte Nehiyaweyan
2) He-Na-Na-Ho-Ho
3) Ninestosin
4) When the Sun sets
    over the World
5) Indian Alphabet
6) Kakanatahk (Oh

Aboriginal Headstart Music (Headstart to Kindergarten).
There is a brief history of North American Indian music followed by four well-known songs in Cree and Dakota. There is a brief write up for each song that gives a little history of the song. All four songs are notated with a CD to sing along with. The words are at the end of the song in the language with phonetic spelling added. There is a two page appendix at the back plus a syllabic chart for the serious student of our rich culture.    

Songs in the Aboriginal Headstart Music Course:

1) Ninestosin (in Cree)
2) Indian Alphabet
3) Cree Lullabye
4) Ahmu (Dakota/Cree)

School Teachers, Principals and Superintendants, please order the Music Courses here:  
To Learn More

Winston Wuttunee
88 Dingle Street

Winnipeg, Manitoba



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